March 19, 2011

March 19

"Ein paar Leute kommen nicht mit Menschen klar und sind krank,
verpacken ihren Frust in Rhymes und leben im Schrank.
Bevor du meinst ich bin ein Feind, sie dich selber mal an.
Du bist ein Stein, dazu allein und kommst nicht mehr voran.
Komm nicht mehr zu mir an.
Alles auf deiner Bank ist im Grunde meins, nimm es, werde krank, sterbe daran"
KKS- Exedrin

Some people can't get along with others and are sick, they hide their frustration in Rhymes and live in a closet. Before you consider me an enemy, take a look at yourself. You're a brick, alone and you can't get ahead. Don't come at me. Everything in your bank is mine, take it, get sick and die from it.

This is a line from KKS, in the song Exedrin. After he parted ways with Taktloss, he recorded his first solo album, Der beste Tag meines Lebens. He also created his own record label, called Optik Recordz under a contract with Sony/BMG.

This is the Optik Recordz crew: