March 12, 2011

March 12

"Vergebens bemüht sich die Evolution, denn der Mensch ist ein Klon der nicht aus seinen Fehlern lernen kann. Wann ist der Bann, der Fluch, vorüber? Die Freiheit des Denkens ist wie eine Fessel im .... Sessel deiner Bequemlichkeit.
Ich bin TAKT, und ich bin tight. Ich bewundere den Pöbel und habe mit Philosophen Mitleid. Mit der Zeit kommt Rat. Wenn du die Hoffnung verlässt dann ist das kein Verrat, sondern eine Tat des Willens."
-Taktloss - Hupe ft Riddlore & Rifleman (WWW)
"Evolution's efforts are in vain, because a man is only a clone that can't learn from his mistakes.
When is the spell, the curse over?
Freedom of thinking is like a chain on your chair of comfort.
I am T.A.K.T and I am tight. I admire the crowd, and I feel pity for philosophers.
Only time will tell. When you abandon all hope, it's not betrayal, but a deed of will."

This is an old picture of taktloss with a beard

This is a highly philosophical punchline by Taktloss, that showcases how "deep" he can be. Taktloss likes to joke around with morals and human nature. He comments on the ironic things about humanity, and basically believes that humans are still animals inside.
His first point is that humans did not evolve successfully. Humans always will and always have made mistakes, even though we can learn from them, Taktloss states that, in the end, your next generation will do the same mistakes. So evolution didn't properly train us on how to not make the same mistakes over again.

Then he goes on to state that freedom of thinking is not perfect. If you think completely free, without any barriers, you are enabled to look beyond other people. But with power comes responsibility, what he means is that if you were able to think completely free, you would somehow get to the point where things start not making sense, and you will feel uncomfortable about yourself. So even though freedom of thinking implies that you are free from all barriers, you will eventually create another barrier, a chain, on your comfort level.

After that he states that instead of looking down on the crowd of simple common people in a nation, he admires them. In Contrast, he feels pity for philosophers. He has such a high philosophical insight, that he can relate to other philosophers, and his verdict of philosophy is that it leads to pity and despair, possibly because of all the nonsense and complexity that you encounter, searching for more insight.
So he admires these simple crowds of common folk, because they probably have no insight into philosophy, and therefore not the same problems as him.

The last part is an explanation on why giving up hope is sometimes the better choice. After waiting for an amount of time, you will naturally get advice on your problem. If time passes, the truth will come out.
So if are hopeful you will naturally lose your hope one day. Taktloss states that giving up hope is not a bad thing, it's just a choice by your will. If it's what a person truely believes, then it doesn't count as betrayal, but as a natural outcome.

So what do you think on his philosophical views? Does it make sense? Would you agree?