March 30, 2011

March 30

"Ich bin Taktloss weil ich das Kaos liebe. Deshalb bin ich auch kein Christ, sondern ein Anarchist, der auf das Gesetzt pisst, und der andere mcees isst. Denn man ist was man isst, du isst schweinefleisch."
-Taktloss - Kaos (WWW)

"I am Taktloss because I love Chaos. That's why I am not a christian, but an anarchist, who pisses on the law, and eats emcees. Because you are what you eat, you eat pork."

A punchline by Taktloss, on the track "Kaos". I found this punchline funny because he believes in the saying "you are what you eat" and he states that he eats other rappers.

March 28, 2011

March 28

Today's punchline will not be a punchline, instead I will post the song that I think has the biggest flows, and has great punchlines.
First up here is a good old MOR classic. "Bei Mir" (2000)


March 26, 2011

March 26

"Und besuch' ich Kitty Kat muss sich die Hure bücken... wie beim Blumen pflücken. Denn ob Deutsche, Kroatinnen, Russinnen, Polakinnen - Frauen sind Objekte in meinen Augen wie Kontaktlinsen."
- Kollegah - Fanpost

"And if I visit Kitty Kat the whore has to bend over... like when picking flowers. 'Cause whether Germans, Croatians, Russians, Poles - women are objects in my eyes like contact lenses."

Kollegah is a popular German rapper. Unlike other German rappers, he primarily raps about being rich, being a pimp, being a gangster, and being better than everyone else.

Good ol' misogyny. It works well with Kollegah's image. What do you think of Kollegah?

March 23, 2011

March 23

"Ich bin kein Star sondern die ganze Galaxie. Was jeezy? Nigga, mich zu battlen ist nicht easy. Maskulin ist Medizin für Aids-Mcees. Du hast nicht einen tighten Rhyme auf deiner pseudorap LP. Ich bin dein Stiefvater, ab jetzt tust du was ich sage. Los und gehe, übe Flows wenn du nicht willst das ich dich schlage. Auf Fragen reagier' ich überhaupt nicht oder boxe"
KKS- Westberlin Maskulin - Horror

"I'm not a star, I am the whole galaxy. What's jeezy? Nigga, to battle me is not easy. Maskulin is medicine to aids-emcees. You don't have any tight rhymes on your pseudorap L.P. I am your stepfather, from now on you do what I say. Go practice flows if you don't want me to beat you. I don't react to answers, or I start boxing.

An older punchline from the album Hoes Flows Moneytoes (1997). Back then KKS rapped differently, as you can see here. He was more obscene back then, and didn't care about what kind of sick shit he put on paper. I could have pulled out a crazier line from this song. They talk a lot about hookers, rape and pimping, also their genitals, violence and their own ability to battlerap emcees.

March 22, 2011

March 22

"Wenn du im Battle stirbst soll es so sein. Gott ist kein logisch denkendes Wesen, denn dein Leben ergibt keinen Sinn. Rap ist ein Medium in dem ich mich ausdrücke um wacks umzubringen. Deine Flows sind höchstens medium. Ich bin ein unbattlebares Individuum. Du bist ein angepasstes stück Scheisse, ich bin am Mic ein individualist."
Taktloss - Yo bitch

"If you die in battle, it's meant to be. God is not a logical thinking being, because your life doesn't make sense. Rap is a medium that I express myself through, to eliminate wack MCees. Your flows are medium at best, I am an unbattleable individual. You are an adapted piece of shit, on the mic I am an individualist.

Taktloss also has a website, if anyone is interested you should check it out

March 21, 2011

March 21

"Pimp pimp Hurrah! Taktloss ist da, um euch um zu bringen. Das mag brutal klingen.
Ist es auch. Brutalität ist der Bruder von Battlereimpriorität, zusammen sind sie wie die Atombombe.
Wenn ein Stein ins rollen gerät ist es meist schon zu spät. Senkt eure Köpfe für euer letztes Gebet. Wie ihr seht
und vor allem auch hört gerät dieses Lied zunehmenst außer Kontrolle, die volle Tanzfläche bricht in Panik aus. Denn ich gebe wie immer keinen fick. Ich ficke alle."
Taktloss - Immer Wieder

transl.:"Pimp, pimp, hurray! Taktloss is here, to kill you. That might sound brutal. It is. Brutality is the brother of BRP, together they are like an atom bomb.
When a rock gets rolling it's most of the time too late. Lower your heads for your last prayer. As you can see and most notably hear, this song increasingly gets out of hand. The whole dance floor panics, because as always I don't give a fuck. I fuck everyone."

Now this is definitely one of my favorite songs by Taktloss, and I wish I could just write down all the lyrics and translate them to you. My German readers can listen to it here:
Let me just explain that BRP stands for "Battle-rhyme-priority" which is the title for almost all of his albums.

March 20, 2011

March 20

"Ich habe eine kleine Geschichte zu erzählen die geht so: Rap ist in New York groß geworden aber sobald er laufen konnte fand er den weg an die Westcoast wo's ihm viel besser gefiel. Dann lernte er fliegen und Westberlin war sein Ziel. Jetzt ist rap in mir, ich bin real.
-Taktlos, Westberlin Maskulin - Chillin Killin (Battlekings)

I have a short story to tell, it goes like this: Rap grew up in New York but as soon as he could walk he found his way to the westcoast, where he liked it better. Then he learned flying and Westberlin was his destination. Now rap is in me, I am real.

This is Taktloss' version of how rap came to Germany.

Here I've got an oldschool picture of Taktloss. This was taken a long time ago (90s), and back then it was probably OK to have an Afro, but now he looks just hilarious.

March 19, 2011

March 19

"Ein paar Leute kommen nicht mit Menschen klar und sind krank,
verpacken ihren Frust in Rhymes und leben im Schrank.
Bevor du meinst ich bin ein Feind, sie dich selber mal an.
Du bist ein Stein, dazu allein und kommst nicht mehr voran.
Komm nicht mehr zu mir an.
Alles auf deiner Bank ist im Grunde meins, nimm es, werde krank, sterbe daran"
KKS- Exedrin

Some people can't get along with others and are sick, they hide their frustration in Rhymes and live in a closet. Before you consider me an enemy, take a look at yourself. You're a brick, alone and you can't get ahead. Don't come at me. Everything in your bank is mine, take it, get sick and die from it.

This is a line from KKS, in the song Exedrin. After he parted ways with Taktloss, he recorded his first solo album, Der beste Tag meines Lebens. He also created his own record label, called Optik Recordz under a contract with Sony/BMG.

This is the Optik Recordz crew:

March 18, 2011

March 18

"Strassenkämpfer Taktloss, wenn ich sterbe steig' ich in den Himmel auf und nehme Hoes und Geld mit zu meinen toten Gangkumpanen. Das Aufnahmeverfahren ist simpel: du musst schießen können, du musst Nutten haben. So etwas lächerliches wie bestimmte Farben tragen ist bei uns nicht nötig. Ich bin gebürtige Kampfmaschine"
Taktloss - Hits für Kidz ft Justus

transl.: "Streetfighter Taktloss! When I die I fly up to the sky and take hoes and money with me, to my dead gang bros. The admission procedure is simple: you gotta be able to shoot, you gotta have whores. Such a ridiculous thing as wearing colors is not important to us.

Another line by Taktloss, here he says that he is in a gang. He is respecting dead rappers, because he knows that in the real rap scene in the west/east coast lot's of gangsters get shot. His own gang is not like the american gangs, they don't wear certain colors. With his gang he means the group "M.O.R" which was the earliest group of german rappers that started battlerap in berlin west. MOR constisted of some rappers such as: King Kool Savas, Justus Jonas, Fumanchu, Martin B. Taktloss, Jack Orsen, Ronald Mack Donald.
Here is a recent picture, not featuring KKS or Taktloss:  

March 17, 2011

March 17

 I just got back from a skitrip, and I missed yesterday's blogpost. Sorry guys! Here's today's punchline:

"Gewaltbereit zu sein heißt auch wenn es unschuldige trifft positiv denken"
Taktloss - Hitz für Kidz ft Justus (BRP2)
transl.: "To be violent means thinking positive when it hits the innocent"

I don't know why I picked this one for today's punchline, but I guess I just found it funny at the time. If you listen to some Taktloss tracks you will notice that he likes to put up the image of a violent gangster. "I am a born fighting machine," is an example on the same song. Some might get the idea that this kind of rap might not be deep in meaning, but this line is a perfect example to show you that he puts thought behind his mask.

First off, this line can easily be misinterpreted as Taktloss justifying his violence by using an extreme and ridiculous example: that he doesn't stop being violent even when he hits innocent.

He really means that the advantage of being violent is when things get out of hand and there are innocent victims, being able to keep a clear head and have logical thinking. So if you and your gang get attacked, and one of your buddies is down, being a violent-prone person help you to keep a cool head and stay calm. But in the end, he just states a reason why he is violent and brutal, to impress his listeners.

I'll let you guys jam out with another featured song. This time you'll get to have a break from german rap. (I understand. It's not as awesome if you don't speak the language.) This is one of my favorite english rappers:

March 15, 2011

March 15

"Eisen beginnt sich zu verbiegen, Autos fangen an zu fliegen, wenn ich das Mic rip'. Part es ist so wie es ist, fronte MOR und du wirst gedisst. Mach Platz bevor du meine Faust frisst. Der battlerap Fetischist Jack Orsen reitet auf einem Pferd durch die Cypher mit Cowboyhut und Pistolen gehen alle Schwule weiter, Bitch mach ruhig so weiter, aber bald schlägt auch deine Zeit. "
-Jack Orsen - Ananas ft Taktloss
"Iron starts bending, cars start flying, when I rip the mic. It is how it is, front MOR and you get dissed. Make way before you eat my fist. The battlerap fetishist Jack Orsen rides on a horse through the cypher with a cowboyhat and guns, all gays move away, bitch keep going but soon even your time will knock.

This is a punchline by Jack Orsen. His voice takes a bit time to get used to. He has a very aggressive style of rapping, but at times it seems like he is just yelling into the mic. I would say he doesn't have the best voice, but then again who said you need a good voice to rap? He clearly shows that you can still pull it off if your raps and punchlines do the work.
This video is a good example. This is the most legendary live performance act in the German battlerap scene. Taktloss rapped for one hour instead of doing an interview. To promote himself the fullest, he plainly showcases his rap style. Jack Orsen is also featured, listen for his part.

March 14, 2011

March 14

"Wenn du auftrittst wird's für deine eigene Crew peinlich, ihr seit weinerlich. Versuch dich zusammen zu reißen während ich dich in der Luft wie Papier auseinander reiße, ich scheiße auf eine Lyrik. "
- Taktloss - Untergrund Dämon (BRP 4)
"When you perform it gets embarrassing for your own crew, you are whiny. Try to pull yourself together while I rip you apart in the air like a piece of paper, I shit on your lyric."

More lyrical mastery from Taktloss. Pretty self-explanatory; he lets aggression speak.
- featured author

March 13, 2011

March 13

"Selbst wenn ich mit Rambo tauschen könnte würde ich es nicht. Mein Leben wäre zu hart für ihn" -Taktloss- Wir geben alles ft Justus (Aus Liebe)
"Even if I could switch with Rambo, I wouldn't. My Life would be to hard for him"

What kind of gangster is Taktloss, you might ask? Well his life is so hardcore that even Rambo wouldn't want to be in his shoes. I'll take a future punchline to describe why Taktloss has such a dangerous life. He is not a real criminal, but his mission is to "murder" all wack MCees, and to save the world from all bad rappers.

I'll leave you guys with a nice track, the song isn't that awesome but it's got a good beat.

March 12, 2011

March 12

"Vergebens bemüht sich die Evolution, denn der Mensch ist ein Klon der nicht aus seinen Fehlern lernen kann. Wann ist der Bann, der Fluch, vorüber? Die Freiheit des Denkens ist wie eine Fessel im .... Sessel deiner Bequemlichkeit.
Ich bin TAKT, und ich bin tight. Ich bewundere den Pöbel und habe mit Philosophen Mitleid. Mit der Zeit kommt Rat. Wenn du die Hoffnung verlässt dann ist das kein Verrat, sondern eine Tat des Willens."
-Taktloss - Hupe ft Riddlore & Rifleman (WWW)
"Evolution's efforts are in vain, because a man is only a clone that can't learn from his mistakes.
When is the spell, the curse over?
Freedom of thinking is like a chain on your chair of comfort.
I am T.A.K.T and I am tight. I admire the crowd, and I feel pity for philosophers.
Only time will tell. When you abandon all hope, it's not betrayal, but a deed of will."

This is an old picture of taktloss with a beard

This is a highly philosophical punchline by Taktloss, that showcases how "deep" he can be. Taktloss likes to joke around with morals and human nature. He comments on the ironic things about humanity, and basically believes that humans are still animals inside.
His first point is that humans did not evolve successfully. Humans always will and always have made mistakes, even though we can learn from them, Taktloss states that, in the end, your next generation will do the same mistakes. So evolution didn't properly train us on how to not make the same mistakes over again.

Then he goes on to state that freedom of thinking is not perfect. If you think completely free, without any barriers, you are enabled to look beyond other people. But with power comes responsibility, what he means is that if you were able to think completely free, you would somehow get to the point where things start not making sense, and you will feel uncomfortable about yourself. So even though freedom of thinking implies that you are free from all barriers, you will eventually create another barrier, a chain, on your comfort level.

After that he states that instead of looking down on the crowd of simple common people in a nation, he admires them. In Contrast, he feels pity for philosophers. He has such a high philosophical insight, that he can relate to other philosophers, and his verdict of philosophy is that it leads to pity and despair, possibly because of all the nonsense and complexity that you encounter, searching for more insight.
So he admires these simple crowds of common folk, because they probably have no insight into philosophy, and therefore not the same problems as him.

The last part is an explanation on why giving up hope is sometimes the better choice. After waiting for an amount of time, you will naturally get advice on your problem. If time passes, the truth will come out.
So if are hopeful you will naturally lose your hope one day. Taktloss states that giving up hope is not a bad thing, it's just a choice by your will. If it's what a person truely believes, then it doesn't count as betrayal, but as a natural outcome.

So what do you think on his philosophical views? Does it make sense? Would you agree?

March 11, 2011

March 11

"Du willst mich mit deinem flow nerven? Das ist wie sein Leben wegwerfen. ... Du rappst scheisse. Was, das siehst du nicht so? Ich setze dir eine Klobrille auf, dann setze ich mich und scheisse auf dich. Dein textblatt ist für mich ein klopapier"
-Phuk die Beeatch
"You want to annoy me with your flow? That's like throwing your life away. You rap like shit, what, you don't see it that way? I put a toilet seat over your head, then I sit down and take a dump on you. I use your lyricsheet as toiletpaper"

A very powerful line by Taktloss, that some might find disturbing. He will apparently shit on his enemies, and he describes how.
This track was a single, release by him called "Phuk die beeatch" (-F*ck the Bi-atch). Note also that his label is called "Fick die Biatch Recordz", a record label created by himself.
Well at least taktloss has consistency with his titles, that's for sure.

March 10, 2011

March 10

"Alle Mcees haben etwas gemeinsam, sie sind mir unterlegen, ich bin einsam an der Spitze. Ich stehe über dir selbst wenn ich sitze. Ich könnte mich hinlegen und würd' immer noch oben sein, denn deine Mutter liegt unten"
-Taktloss - Kein Entkommen (WWW)

All Mcees have one thing in commen, they are inferior to me. I am lonely at the top. I stand above you even when I sit. I could lie down and I would still be on top because your mother is on the bottom.

I don't know if the last pun is easy to understand, but it's a sexual reference. He talks about lying down in bed with your mother.
This album, WWW, (original title: WeltWeiteWorts / WorldWideWerds) wasn't his biggest success, but I still feel it is very important because he has very awesome and direct punchlines. I understand why people would think this is not his best work because his style changed. It's a more recent release (2007) and the album was made in collaboration with american westcoast rapper the rifleman. So half the songs feature more than one language. This is very different from what his fans are used to, but oh well, change happens and you gotta deal with it.

If you guys currently have no music playing in the background you might wanna give this song a try (or if you really dig german underground battlerap ;p):

Westberlin Maskulin - Hoes Flows Moneytoes

March 09, 2011

March 9

"Ich bin immer mit einem Bein im Untergrund, und mit dem anderen in Mundhöhe der Gegner, du bist mir ein unwürdiger Gegner"
-Taktloss - Üpsilon O. Ka O.
"I always have one foot in the underground and one foot at face level to my enemies, you are an unworthy enemy."

This has always been one of my favorite punchlines from Taktloss. He states that with one foot he stands in the underground, his roots are still planted solid in the underground rap scene. But at the same time his other foot is ready to attack, up in the air, at the same height as the mouth of the enemy. Try to imagine it. Here's a picture of taktloss:

March 08, 2011

March 8

"Wenn Ich ans Mic step existierst du nach zwei Sekunden nicht mehr."
-Jack Orsen, Taktloss ft Jack Orsen & Ronald Mack Donald - Gesetz des Dschungels
 "When I step to the mic you stop existing two seconds later"

Jack Orsen states that he is such a dope rapper that when he steps to the mic, he destroys mcees in two seconds. So anyone facing him would not exist after two seconds in a battle with him.
Taktloss, Jack Orsen, Ronald Mack Donald, and others were part of the group M.O.R. In the beginning it all started when they were meeting on sunday nights for openmic freestyle sessions at a hip hop club. They were all into battle rap and battled each other. This is how they developed their rap styles, by focusing on an imaginary enemy in their lyrics. So this punchline follows as a good example.

To my followers: Who is your favorite rapper (of all time)?

March 07, 2011

March 7

"Bitch hör' auf zu träumen, Du hast nichts mit Rap zu tun.
KKS, ich bin cool und hab mehr Eier als ein Huhn.
Manche Leute meinen das meine vergleiche hinken
aber Fakt ist, ich ficke ihre hoes im rechten Winkel"
-King Kool Savas, Westberlin Maskulin - Der Punkt (Battlekings)
"Bitch stop dreaming. You  have nothing to do with rap.
KKS, I'm cool and I got more eggs than a chicken.
Some people say that my comparisons limp,
but it's a fact. I fuck your hoes in a right angle.

This punchline is by Kool Savas. He said in interviews that his lyrics might be simple, but he likes to get straight to the point. I really love his lyrics because even though he uses short and common words, they rhyme even better and he gets the message across. He also has a really nice flow of words, and I think that's what made him one of the most successful german rappers. Did you know that he was the first alive artist, besides Tupac, to get the TRL Golden Tape?
If you want to give it a try, it's a very chill song:

More on KKS? Listen to his most famous track in his rap career:
Kool Savas feat. Valezka - Der Beste Tag Meines Lebens

March 06, 2011

March 6

"Der Ursprung aller Dinge ist das Kaos, ist doch der Mensch nichts weiter als ein Papierfetzen, abgerissen von einem leeren blatt. Ja es ist blank..."
-Taktloss - Kaos (WWW)
"The root of all things is chaos. The human is nothing more than a scrap of paper, ripped from a blank sheet."

Taktloss' theme for rapping has always been "the underground ghetto kid,", however in his later albums he has developed more of a scary horror style of rapping, called "horror rap". Combined with his philosophical thinking, he has formed this newer style which he showcases especially in this song. He proposes the theory that order and peace doesn't exist, humans imagined and put those into place.
"Kaos," Simple chaos.. that's what Taktloss describes our world to be based on.

This punchline puts the philosophical view of life in a different perspective, stating that humans resemble only a small part of a large, blank, plain mass. I think it sounds like a great inspirational quote, something to possibly live by. If everyone remembered for a second that we are all just a tiny piece with the same root, then we wouldn't have to pick on our differences.

He also made a video for it, here it is:

March 05, 2011

March 5

"Manche sagen ich habe einen Vogel, andere meinen das ich spinne, die haben nur teilweise recht. In Wirklichkeit habe ich eine Vogelspinne, ich bin tight.
-Taktloss - Underground Rap 4 Life ft Ronald Mack Donald / Viva 2 Supreme Teil 3 4: 40
"Some say I have a bird(am nuts), others believe I have a spider(am bonkers), they are just partly right. In reality I have a bird spider"

So this punchline is a tough one to translate. The first two expressions are german idioms for being crazy, together they form the name of an animal: the bird spider. Taktloss states that he is being referred to as an insane person. Indeed he is so indescribably insane, that the only name they can put on him is "a bird spider", a dangerous and scary animal.

@ChuckyBalboa: Taktloss is from westberlin. He will also always represent his hometown with the Westside symbol

March 04, 2011

March 4

"Deine innere Stimme sagt das du dich hasst, und ich weis auch warum. Du ahnst das du dumm bist du kannst es nicht wissen jedoch ahnst du es "
-Taktloss - Kein Entkommen (WWW)

"Your inner voice tells you that you hate yourself. You think that you are stupid, you can't know it, but you sense it."

 This one is pretty self explanatory. Very simple and almost primitive, but that's the general style that this rapper, Taktloss, wants us to hear.

Taktloss and Rifleman in the video for the song WWW. The german and the westcoast american made a collabo album titled "WeldWeiteWorts/WorldWideWerds"
Also about my last blog post's comments:
No, Taktloss obviously did not get an endorsement deal or any contract in any form, nor any money. As an underground battlerapper who is far away from being mainstream, he could not possibly get affiliated with a big household brand. I mean he owns his own music label called Fick die Biaatch Recordz (transl. "Fuck the bi-atch recordz". If that name is not underground, I don't know what is. He used the brand name because it is so familiar, and he really only meant any ketchup. I hope I cleared things up :).

March 03, 2011

March 3

"Y.O. Ich rappe Punchlines
Du schmierst dich mit Heinz Ketchup ein und stellst dich tot um nicht in einem battle mit maskulin verwickelt zu werden"
-Taktloss, Westberlin Maskulin - Battlekings
"Y.O. I rap punchlines,
You smear yourself up with heinz ketchup and play dead to not get involved in a battle with us"

you now smell ketchup.

Taktloss and King Kool Savas (KKS) formed the rap duo Westberlin Maskulin, they released two albums in 1997 and 2000 before separating. This line is from the song Battlekings.

This punchline stands out because of the specific depiction about how devastating battles against the artists are. According to Taktloss, the figurative enemy will try, at all costs, to stay away from rap battles with him and his crew. He will cover himself in ketchup, to appear bloody, stabbed, and dead in order to hide from them.

I find it creative and funny. Of course this kind of humor is not for everyone, but Taktloss is such a controversial rapper, he views things from the perspective of a street kid.
Taktlos literally means tactless (beatless, not on beat), the meaning also slightly implies tastelessness or insensitivity.

March 02, 2011

March 2

"Die Zukunft ist geduldig denn sie weis das ihre Zeit kommen wird"
-Taktloss- Zukunft (BRP7)

"The future is patient because it knows that its time will come"
-Taktloss- Zukunft (BRP7)

Taktloss on Viva 2 Supreme

This is one of the most famous quotes by taktloss, probably the top one. I saw this line on wikiquotes for example. It's not so much a punchline against a imagined enemy, but more a philosophical statement. Taktloss likes to make fun of philosophy and this quote is a good example. I will surely post more philosophical punchlines in the future, when the time comes.

March 01, 2011

March 1

"Ich fick nur jede dritte die ich will den jede zweite hatte ich schon
Schon damals war klar, ich bin unschlagbar...biaaatch!"
-Taktloss - Horror (Hoes Flows Moneytoes)

"I only f*ck every third bitch that I want, because I already had every second. Back then it was clear, I am unbeatable, biaaatch!"

Taktloss is my favorite rapper. He raps in german underground battle-rap style, and his lyrics are tight! They call him "the last tight nigga".